For a child to find a picture of a shark that glows in the dark is probably as fascinating as a marine biologist finding a shark in a park.In this week’s book review, I am looking at “Shark in the Dark”, one of the many out of this world stories by Nick Sharratt.
對於孩子們來說,能夠找到一本繪本是有關亮晶晶鯊魚的興奮程度,絕對不亞於海洋生物學家在公園裡面發現了一條活跳跳的鯊魚。今天的繪本推薦,我要分享來自英國,創作量驚人的Nick Sharratt先生的作品:「跟鯊魚說晚安」。(p.s 書名為蔬菜小姐個人暫譯,看完繪本的人應該就知道為什麼了)
Book Cover 書的封面 |
first glowing shark on the first page翻開的第一頁就有亮晶晶的鯊魚 |
While some reviews have criticized how the glowing effect wasn’t working exactly like a spot light, I think it’s only a small upset considering how much uplifting messages are installed in the book. When I got my copy, I also noticed the glowing effect was like a dying pulse, but I suggested bookstores that they should start stock copies before publishers kill the glowing idea completely. I thought the book was still giving a “happy-gloomy” kind of different experience. Months later, the book became available in “no-glow-at-all” version only. So if you happen to stumble on a glow-in-the dark version, you should just snatch it (in a legal manner of course).
看過蠻多人對於繪本中鯊魚的亮度不是特別滿意的評語,因為這本書一定要定時把書打開來吸收光線,才能在比較暗的地方有好的效果,但是我個人覺得這個只是小問題,因為整本書,只要有鯊魚的地方,一關起燈還是一樣會亮,這個特色為說故事製造了特別的氣氛,加上這本書真正令人喜愛的地方,是整個故事的起承轉合非常有趣!所以我在書店工作的朋友們都被我大力遊說過,要多進幾本。果然在幾個月前,我就發現新出的版本沒有“亮晶晶”的效果了,所以動作要快,先搶先贏 !
the new edition's cover 新版本的封面 |
From an English learning approach, young or second language readers get to review some of the toys and creatures you typically see in a boy’s room or at a beach. Bright colors were reinforced on almost every page but in a fun way. For example, when I saw an orange cabinet in Timothy’s room on the first page, I thought that was rather odd. But as I turned the pages, I noticed the color was shown on almost every page and coated on different objects. It was painted on the mainsail of a boat on one page, then on a starfish, crab and ice cream cone on other pages.
It was also cool to see how repetition and synonyms were at work from start to finish. For example, at the beginning of the story, the sentence “a certain small boy” was later paired with “I’m sure I’m right” on the last page. The story buildup went from Timothy’s monologue to a dialogue with dad at the end.
另外一個很令人驚豔的地方是Nick活潑地運用重複句型及同義字來貫穿整個故事,讓故事朗朗上口又別具學習的生動意義。另一個讓人驚豔的是,故事一開始的句型裡面出現了“a certain small boy一位特別的小男孩”就跟結尾的“I’m sure I’m right我相信我是正確的” 做了完整地相互呼應,也巧妙地將故事一開場Timonthy自己在房間裡面玩玩具與自己對話,然後一直到故事的結尾是Timonthy與爸爸說晚安前的對話有了一氣呵成、貫穿全場的完整性。
The Opening Paragraph 故事的開場 |
The Ending Paragraph 故事的結尾 |
As a mother of 2 boys, I found it interesting to see how of all the toys that Timothy could have picked; he chose the telescope as his favorite toy. I felt that kind of whispered much comfort in my ears. My interpretation of the telescope is that it is like the eye of a child, while kids tend to only focus on one small area of the overall picture or message, their imagination tend to help paint another one. It reminds me that letting their imagination run wild is not so cliché after all.
Shared parenting is an important part of our family. Like the other two books in the trilogy, Timothy’s dad showed up at the end to wrap up the day. Also like the other two books, the mom was nowhere to be seen. This time however, I noticed there were no drawings of the mom or family on the wall, but there was one drawing of the dad. I then realized the book is also celebrating the dads, whether he is a newbie, single, gay or soon-to-be.
The shark from the last page, smiling to say good night! 最後一頁的亮晶晶鯊魚,微笑地跟大家說晚安! |
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