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Showing posts from September, 2015

Book With Food - Audrey and Don Wood - 書林書店﹣繪本主婦時間

一日之計在於晨,想要擁有美好早晨,為繁忙的一天揭開美麗的序幕,一定少不了美食、醇酒及好書的相伴。(ps. 是的,我們喝掉了一瓶超好喝甜白酒搭配檸檬塔) Gourmet Food, Good Wine and some Good Books are the key elements to start a Gorgeous Day. (p.s. Yes, we did drink a bottle of good white wine with Lemon Tart this morning.) 今天上午的「繪本主婦時間」,我們一起欣賞了夫妻檔創作家﹣奧黛麗及唐·伍德的作品,分別為「誰要吃草莓」及 「艾伯特不小心說錯話」。 Today at our Mommy PB Study Group, we went over two books written and illustrated by the lovely couple - Audrey and Don Wood. The books were titled "The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR" and "Elbert's bad word". 這對夫妻的作品完整地呈現出圖與文字,在故事起伏安排中,是如何相互襯托及互動,讓整個故事不需要很多字及很複雜的圖畫,就能精彩呈現。今天我們還發現,小老鼠可是帶動現今眼鏡變為裝飾品的流行教主呢! The pair demonstrated how illustration and text can impact and highlight the highs and lows of a story plot. We also learned how “The Little Mouse” led the fashion industry in today's glasses design as accessary. 四十六年的婚姻之路,一路走來並不容易,看著奧黛麗及唐兩人如此相敬相愛,在人生及創作的道路上互相合作、互相激勵,令人非常感動。 46 years of lovin